We Have Enhanced Our Inflation Datasets and Models to Incorporate News in Japanese!

Food prices

On the 26th of August, we have completed the extension of our alternative inflation datasets to cover Japan.

Japan and the Japanase language are fully supported in the Inflation NewsBot, the Wages NewsBot and the NIPI databases. The Japanese language is the 7th we cover (with Chinese, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish).

Here are some numbers, to illustrate our Japanese news inflation articles database:

  • 3 820 unique news sources in Japanese
  • 1.3 million candidate news article analysed since 1/1/2018
  • of which 52 200 news articles were detected as relevant to the near-term inflation outlook

The volume of positive inflation news is remarkably high in Japan at the moment, both by historical and international standards. We do expect this will be reflected in the September and October CPI releases.

Headline NIPI US, Euro area and Japan - https://alt.ms/3Rx4Zqd

Note: a NIPI value of 50 is indicative of a balanced volume of positive and negative inflation news, a value above (below) 50 indicates positive (negative) inflationary pressures in the near-term.

Read more about the NIPI databases and the Inflation NewsBot.

If you are interested in our unique inflation data, you can reach out here.